Retf on 2. Re,[fon 3, The Saint? , Itfirmities. defpicable and rrieatie abodes . fór ftiéha glorious and excellent Majefly,yet lure it is not byhiìïi,. áccounted:wheti á gréatMàiì i"s to be received M- t() our houiès , we are- carefull that there bee rió breaches in them ; kit when the great and glori- ous God is robereceived into our hearts he will not {iurrible,at the wourids and tyreacheS. The heart is that ottly part,wherebÿGod mates;aticl 'takes a judgementófthewhole, hee t r"r5eafure ö'faman by his heart, if that bee round arid:upright, he never curioizl'ly exámiries Oth-er parts ; we commonly Alt taker} with the 1`'ac4 and, .c,tinnteriarirè';becau!e We are ñót xiilt to looke deeper36íit Goclregard; not that,as being able fo del'cend into the fèèret élofet oftbe heart. .salr3r: i 6.6,7' . Andhe loOked on LE6idh, arid faid, Surely the Lolls atinriyited is 6eföre h in:. Bit the Lord faid unto Samar G, Loo,Fe 47, hif tourtte_ riatsct;rHr on the height ofof his fiarure, becaufe . have refu ftd hint ; färthe Lordfeoth not as a mari feeth; For man load eri thc6rttsoard asppeaesrtce; 6rtt the Lori fBeth the heat : And accordingly yëe haVe rlkedoóthe tkìe ltings ófina':ah, according td the góódneffé or badnefi`e of their hearts 2.Chroo: 2 5.2. He did that whit Was tight in theght of Cod,- lint noPbith aerfeheart: And tltlrke is at%ytieftified' df'rtìatiÿ other of them. The heart-is thie hair'dell piece to manage and rn'ariutt,ahíd tiìeraáre he that keepes thar well in tune, is riot likel? ie be wantiN in°rhe ottíe'r:i fin Vio1l,Ihnde the tiebblë Wïrrgiit' trirìe'; T-make rìo queaiòm}athe báC that gees riot out lo eafiíy: Symon