The Sttints Iifirmitie.r. 5 SiI1Ói Magus had coznpofed the other parts,À s 8. r 3.He did beleeve, and rvae baptized : but this thing was out of tune, the Apoftle finds this jar - ring.ver.2 r : Thou hall neither part nor lot in this 6'a frne.i, for thy hca i is not right in the fight Of God, in his owne fight no queftiorz burhee thought it fo,but it was not fo in Gods fight : And indeéd thé heart is fo deceitful], that it will deceive the very owner andpofl'eflorofit : like to your Jug- ler,that will do a thing before your face, and yet yon /l all not fee then' doe it, 2.King.Whÿ weepeth Lòrd ?(faith l-lazael)irhy (f-tie the Pròptiet) for Me re'at evil' that I know that-144h doë üñto the Children of tpael,their firong holds thou wili fit on fre,&e.And Hazael faicl, is thy fervant a dogge, that he lboald doe thisgreat things? There were chara &ersófcruelty engravers on his heárt,which hit-Are brad never read, òr been acquainted yet dííí h Il;N'he kfmikth(faith th`è Apoftle) "Y. Cora. r !.. the things bf rt *xn;bra the fpirit of mdn that is within hi eOnt woí`zld thirike a rnan fhould read his owne hind; yet fortis doewrite fo bad, that they eanriot Made it when they have done;and fo ditC7r*atel, he had hatcht fuchcurfed thoughts within him , that he could när fee to the Um-loft tern sinus and end of thén ;if a man hath a fpot ùp- on his faces he is warned ofit by every body élfe, becau-e its knowne he cannot fee it but he May hilt thoifänd fpots upon his heart,and neither iië ;tabr no'rìián=iii the World béfide be able to dif c© O it.hhtheté%j é that hats; well- prépared this p rt vr'llil4ärd ÿb. defe 'Vei nthereff: B 3 4.The