6 Pear. 4. VP. The Saints 7nfirmitier. 4 The heart is the fpring and firf} wheele of all that curious Clock -worke of the foule .; fo that if that be but ordered and kept aright,it will direct and order all the reft, & this is thereafon that the Holy Ghoft is pleafed for to give,Prov.4.2 3. Out ofit are the i(ges of life : If a man .had a Well or Fountaine in his garden ; out ofwhich -cane all the liquors which he ufed,he had need ro be very diligent to keep that clean;ifthat were poifoned, it would be hard for himfelfe long to efcape. Now the heart is fuch a Fountaine, Rom. i o. i o. With the heart man beleeveth to righteoufnefi,And from within, ,even out of the heart prom de mill thoughts, 6c. Mar. 7.2 I. the Gentiles were ac- counted common and prophane before Chrifts t i me,but after their hearts were purified , even Peter himfelfe, the Apof}le of the Circumcifìon, durft venture on them,4ss r 5.9. For Cod put no difference betweene them and the tines, after that by faith he had purified their hearts : give me ne- ver lo bad a man,make but his heart right , and I dare venture to dole with him ; ifyee take out the Serpents fling,hemaybe played with, or o- therwife imployed,without eitherdanger, or o- ther inconvenience. Let us every one be hence incouraged to exa- mine well,and looke unto our hearts ; for ifthey be any way difordered and out oftune, our acti- ons and performances will not be relifhed. Re- member what the Apof}le faith, Heb.3. i 2. Take heede brethren left there bee in any ofysu an evil! heart of unbeliefe,to depart from the living God;an unbele-