The Saints Infirmities. 7 unbeleeving and evill heart w ill evermore be drawing back from Gcd,will not come at him by its good wil,Mat. i 5.8,9.They honor me with their lips but their hearts are removed far from me. And what then became ofall their worthipr why fùre- lv it came to nothing,tn vaine they rvor/hip me: A heartleffe worfhip is a worfhip that God regards not;but if the heart be framed and prepared as it fliouldbe,Qod.looks not at the many imperfecti- ons that may be found in circumffanriall niarrers. I But it will be here demanded, how one may Luc .§. know when his heart is truely qualified and fitted fora duty: When he is pperfvaded ofa fpeciall,and peculì ar eye of God upon hint in the duty, that God in a fpcciall manner doth behold him,& obferve him h,whe doth i r;he mutt beleeve that God is at his Elbow,Heb. i I.6.He that commethto God,muft beleeve that God is;that is,muft havehis heart de- livered from thatblindneffe,wherein by nature all mens hearts remain. What was the reafön that- the Gentiles, even idtheir folemne- worfhip of their gods, where fo abhominable oftentimes ? becaufe their hearts were darke and blind in ipiri- tuall and celeffial matters,Ram.1.2 1,22,23. Their fmoh fh.hearts were darkned and then they changed the truth of God into a lye, and wor/hipped the Crea- ture in f ead of tht Creator, &c.Bur when the heart is ferioufly convinced that God isprefent,records and regiflers all our deportmenrs whatfoever : it makes us circumfpec`t and careful; even thofe that are otherwife regardlefie of their duties,.. yet