Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

`I he Saints 7nfirmitier. yet when theirmafters eye is upon them will con- fider what they doe:and therefore the A pofile re- quires ofChriftian fervants more. Eph. 6.6. Be- cafe the Heathen would doe thus much,the very Affe,when the raw the Angel in the pafliage, be- haves her fel fe accordingly,Numb.22.2 3.Ifa man would therefore know, whether his heart be fit- ted and prepared for any duty, let him ferioufly examine, whether he is thus perfwadedofthe feciall eye of God upon him in ir. 2.The heart is then prepared for a duty and fer- vice unto God,when it is fequeftred and taken off from other things : when the droffe and ftaine of natural felfe- love,and earthly mindedneffe is got- ten out:as we fee, men bring not filthy veffels un- wafbed,and uncleanfed to their Mafters table.Yee I may fee, perhaps, an impure and filthy vefiéll in the 1,(itchin.,but upon the table it is not tolerable: Thefè men that came to the Pafíeover, although not wa{hed according to the purification of the Sancuary;yet were, no que(tion purged inward- ly: they had,no doubt,a fubftantiall,though not a Ceremonial) cleanfing, according to that ofthe t1 poftle, 2 7im.2.21. If4 Min doe thereforepurge himfel fefrom t here* fball bee vef?ell onto bonour, fanllifted,and meet for the Mailers ofe,and prepares ¿into everygood worke. There's none ofus would have our meat come up upon a dirtyDifh,and much leffe God. When David asked for forne holy Shew- breadfrom the Priefls,he tels them withall,that the veffels of the yong men that were to carry it,wcre holy, r Sans. 21.5.