T he Saints Infirmities. 21.5. So mull our hearts be,when we adventure to draw neare to God : And though we cannot here attaine a perfeft purity, but that corruption will frill be mingled with our bell performances, yet that mull be removed and laid afide, that kept us Backe from turning to.the Lord : the rub biih ofneceaitymutt be removed, that flops the building from going on,iPet.t.22.23.Seeing yee have purified your foules to the obedience of the truth, unto unfeigned love of the brethren, &c. Being borne againe, &c. That is,feeing that ori- ginall impurity, that blocked up the foule from turning unto God is done away, the heapes of Muckeandrubbith, that flood where now the building isere &ed; for that's done alwaies at the firft converfion of the foule to Cod , and never fully Both return. 3. When it is foftned,and fitted to receive irn- preflîons:when the Centurion by much deje aion and proflration ofhis foule to God in fecrer, had his heart fo mollified,that any thing wouldmake a Charmer or Print:He tells Peter, He was ready toheare whatfoever God thould be pleated to fpeake,41h 10.33. It's not enough that the met - tall be refined and purged from the drofre, that before did cleave unto it : unleffe it likwife be fo foftned,as that it will accommodate it felfe unto the mold,or lamp it (hall be cal into:and there- fore it is powred into that while it is loft andli- quid. So the Apolle Rom.6 i 7.argues,they now were truely freed from the dominion and power oftheir former unregenerate etlate,becaufe their C hearts 9