NNW The Saints Infirmities. II Hoff7.r }. And theyhave not cryed unto me with their hearts,when they howled upon their beds : Therefore not with their hearts, becaufe not un- to me,or at leafl-,with their hearts well qualified, and fitted for that holy duty : There were förne (it may be) among thefe people that carne unto the Paffeover to pleafe the King , becaufe the King was pleafed to have it fo, and fo they fhould,but if they relied there, andwent no fur ther,their fervice would not be accepted ,neither were they included in He,zekiah's Prayer;for hee only prayes for them that fAight the Lord God of their Fathers; not that fought the face ofthe Ruler,or the favour of this godly King , or any other bie and carnali end. So Efa. 5 5.6.Seeke the Lord while he maybe found. The duty is or- dained to draw and allure the foule to God, no more but an opportunity that God and men may trade;and have commerce with one another : As Solomon did therefore build the glorious Temple to the Lord, that he might dwell with men : 2.Cbres.7.i 2. But now if any retied in that Tern- ple,and went no higher, he had no interefi in any promife that was made unto it;for the condition ofthe promife was,that they fhould feek his face. ver. r 44 my pesple, which are called by my name, mall humble she m f elves,andpray,and Peke my face, and tarne fremtheir wicked way:Then will I heart from heaven,andwill forgive theirfinne, andwill beak their Land : ifthey t (hall humble them felves, and pray,and feeke my fáce,but ifthey praied never fomuch,and in their prayers had only refpeft and C 2 aime