Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

I 2 The Saints Infirmities. Doe. 2. Rea on I. aime unto themfelves, he would not lieare them : It is a ftrange exprelfion of the Prophet 4mos 5. 2 5.26.Have yee offered unto me facrifice, and of- ferings in the wildernefl'e, by the fpace offorty yeares O yee houle ofJfrael? Why what did they with the Tabernacle, and all their fizrniturerbut accommodate their publicke f ervice in the wi t derneffe;no,faies God, You did it to your fèlves ; y<ur ends and aimes were carnal]; fenfuall, and earthly inir,and you had no profit by it, as nei -. ther have many now a daies;for want ofdifpoíng and preparing of their hearts for God aright. And towe have done with the firfr poynt obfer= ved from the Text. We are now to come unto the latter part, and reafon of this holy mans requefr,which was their not being cleanfed According to the purification cf the Samftuary,wh ich was a legali barre and let to {top them from the Pafifeover, how upright and f rcere foever they were : Wherefore he la- bours by earnefr prayer to remove this barre and great impediment, and the Lord expreffeth here his willingneffe to be intreated , for the Lord heard his prayer,and healed the people, whence this will follow. Where there is uprightnes 5t fincerity of heart, Infirmities do not exclude from mercy,this is ap- para;t in the Text,for he praies for mercy , and bath it granred,although they were not qualified as God required.-and may be further proved. From the wifedome of God, who l;nnowes what we can doe, and will expeft no more ; as a wife