Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. wife parent will not looke fo much from a weake child,as from a flrong;nor from a ficke fervant,as from a healthful) ; it is his wifedome to confider what we arc, and accordingly to deale with us 3 and therefore we maybe lure that he will not cafe us offfor our infirmities , but as a Father bearer with `his Tonne that feares him, though bee (pies many faults in him : Like as a father pittieth his children,fo the Lord pittieth them that feare him. For he knoweth our frame,he remenibrech that we are but dufl.Pfal.103.13,14.So the Lord hath compaflìQn. on them that feare him: Wily ?becaufe he knowes whereof we arc;nade,he rea,embrerh that we are but dufr. So we fee, that when the If- raelites had fo provokedGod,that h could fcarce hold his hand off them ;yet he Paid his hand,even then when he was ready to í}rike. And many times,faith the Text,Pfal.78.38s39.But he being full ofcompaflìon, forgave their iniquities, and de(I:roied them not:yea,many a time turned he his, anger away,and did not air up his wrath ;For hee. remembred that they were but flefb,and that they were even a wind :that paffeth away,and commeth nor againe.lile called back his anger becaufe he re- membred that they were but flefh. And herein God fhewes his wifedome,and we ours : A wife. man lookes for no more ofhis fervant than he is able to doe:but on the contrary,a foolifh man ex -.1 pees as much from a weaker, as from a ftronger, 1 and falls prefently upon him if he does- not as much:Sowe our fclves flìew our; o -- rher-things as for example. C 3 If