The Saints Infirmities. we do when we let any finne reigne in our hearts; if we let up any fin that commands and rules us ; then the covenant is broken,for thou haft chofen a new Mafler. Secondly, ifwe take another husband ; and this we doe,when we make a league with finne; ifwe bee in league with any thing in the World, that doth draw our hearts from God,doth break our covenant in chofing another Husband. But other failings doe not breake the covenant, and whiles it remaines in force, we have interefl in Gods mercies,for he cannot forget his covenant; whichifhefhould, yet Chrift is the Mediator, and would put him in minde of it. A third reafon is drawn from the common con - dition of all the Saints : Take all the Saints that ever lived, and every one of them have had infir- mities. Now ifGod fhould be tooextreame to marke our iniquities,(Pfal. i 3o.3,ç.)who fhould ftand ? IfGod fhould call off all that have infir- mities,then none should be faved,and then wher- fore hath Chrift dyed? But faith the Pfalmifl : Mercy is with thee, therefore thou art to be fea- red:That is,if God were foleyerea Mailer , that he would endure no failing, then he fhould have no fervants:But it is his mercy that makes him to be feared.And thus we fee,that infirmities do not cut us offfrdm Gods mcrcy,ifwe be found at the heart; but withall we muCt remember thefe two Cautions. Firfl,though infirmities doe not utterly exclude us from the mercies ofGod, yet they may bring upon 2 Restfon 3. C .ntirrn