Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

2 The Saints ynfcrmities. upon us many and fore afic?rions, and hinder us of many bleffngs and here we muff remember chefe diftinerions. Firf,there is a voluntary infirmity, which pro - ceedes from our owne wills ; andby how much the more will is an infirmity, by fo much the more God is provoked to anger, and to punifh and afiet us. But there is another infirmity which arifeth from force impediment which a manwould faine remove,but he cannot.As for example A man would faine remember all he heareth, but he can- not,becaufehis memory is fraile, and he cannot helpe it ; he would convert many to God, but he cannot,becaufe he hath weake parts. He would faine have Inch a loft rernoved,but God doth not pleafe to let his Spirit atliberty, though he doe hisuttermoft endeavour,for that muft í1r11 bere membred ; for ifa man Cayes he would pray fer' vently morning and evening,and yet fits fhll,and doth not let upon the duty and ftrive to doe it ; this is the aft ofthe fluggard : So alfo in other things. Secondly, there is an infirmity that arifeth fromwant ofgrosth , for there are fotne Babes in Chrift, fame buddes that are but tender, even as a tree hath force buds and fprouts as well as branches : and there fuck fap from the tree , as well as the branches. Now God beares much with thole that are fuch, and will not prefently punifh them for their failings he will not in this cafe quench the fmoaking Flaxe, nor breake the bruited