T be Saints Infirmities. 17 bruifed Reed : he will not put new wine into old vefí°els : hee knowes there is much of the old man Bill in them,and therefore will not enjoyne them to filch great duties as they are not able to per - forme ; he will not pur too much on them at the firft : hee commands us not torejectorde'nife thy,fe that are weak, Rom 14.13. Let us not there- fore judge one another any more , but judge this ra- ther that no man put a block,or an oceafion to fcle sn his brothers way. And Cure men h m eife wiii practife that rule that he prefcribes to us. But now there are other infirmities that arife from ficknes,in thole that have beene ttrong, and I through Come dinempers are become fick,ard are fallen from their firft love, as in the 2 ofthe Rev. 2.4.,5. Nevertheleff'e I have fomewhat againft thee.becaufe thou haft left thy firft love : remem- ber therefc re proni when° thou art fallen, and repent,and doe thy firft works,or el fe I will come come unto the quickly, and will remove thy Candlefticke out ofhis place,except thou repent; Or that arife ft-om Come deíertion,themfelves be- ing then caufes of ir, by reafon ofprelumption, as in Peter and Hezekiah : Now in this cafe God doth not beare with a man,but will come againf} him quickly,and will not fray long, unlefi'e they repent,and doe their firft workes. We muli remember, that to Come,. God hath appcinted a lefler ftature in grace, and to others greater:there arc Chriftians ofall fizes, as it were. Now thole that are of the leaf} fize, they are the weakeft, and there are generally weake, that D is. 3