Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. is,they are weake in their underftandings, weake in affe &ions, weake in all ;. and with thefe God beares much:as we may fee in the Church ofThy- 4tir4,Rcv.2.24,2 5.But unto you I fay , and unto all the reft of 7 hystiri, as many as have not this Do&rine,and which have not known the depths ofSathan, as they fpeake : I will put upon you none other burthen ; but that which you have al'- ready, hold fart till I come. There were fonie that were expert, andothers that were weaker: Now for thofe,faith God,that have not this lear- ning,neither have known the deepnef eofSatan, I doe not require fo much of yc. u , but onely that ycu hold faft that which yee have. Fourthly; but now there is another infirmity, which doth not runne in generali over the whole man,but is fome particular infirmity, which is in a man that is firong,and bath attained a greater meafiire of grace : As a body maybe ftrong, and have force particular weakneffe; and a wall may he ftrong, yet have force weake parts:fo a Chri- ftian mayhave ftrong lufts : force particular inrir- mities; as indulgencies to his Children, or pride,, or any otherifo then this_rule is true, That ftrong infirmities bring ftrong affli &ions : as wee fee it did in Elr,for his indulgency,and fo in David,he had firong &long affli &ions, for his throng lufts. Fi fthly,we are to remember,that there is an iìi- firmity in a man that he is fenfible of, and Chives againft it with all his might, and yet cannot get vi&ory over it : God may fuffer a man to labour and tugge andyet profit nothing by his pai es,