The Saints Infirmities. but gives him grace which is fufficient for him he gives his pardoning grace,though not hispre- vailing grace.2.Cor.i2.9. In this cafe God will beare rnuch,though he cannot get the vi&ory,yet he may get pardon. Sixthly, but there is another infirmity that be- 6 falls us in peace and profperity , that we are not fenfible of, but are as it were in a fleepe, and for- get our felves,and fo let fome infirmity [leale up- onus : and in this cafe, though it will not quite cutusofffrom Gods mercy, yet it will bring force great affíi &ion upon us,whereby God doth' waken us, and bring us unto our felves againe So he dealt with Hebekiab ; no fooner was hee fettled in peace and profperity, but prefenly hee forgets himfelfe, fuffers pride to fleale upon him, for which we know how the Lord awaked him. So Dawi1, tfal. 3o. when he was iu'profperity, thought he fhould never be removed ; but then God hides his face, and makes him looke about him ; therefore we mull remember this caution : That though infirmities do not cut us offfrom Gods mercies ; yet if voluntary infirmities in which our wil bath a hand,iffuch as are not from weaknefïe,and want ofgrowth,but from ficknes, if they bee fobne particular weakneffe in a ftrong Cbri , if they fteale upon us by our owne fioth, and wee are not aware, nor fenfible of them ; then they will bring upon us Tome great croffe and atfli&ion , and hinder us of forge great bleffings. The fecond Caution is, that yee takeheed that Caxrivx 2. D 2 yee