20 The Saints Infirmities. I yee do not miftake thofe infirmities that proceed from the regenerate part, for thofe fins that pro- ceede from the unregenerate : for there latter are rebellions,not infirmities,they are wickedneflès, not weakneffes' ; and therefore wemuff beware, that we doe not miftake the one for the other. To this purpofe, it will be needfull to know, vhat an infirmity is , and this we may doe by the trary,ifwe confider what ftrength is. Now for this we mutt know, that there is a.. two -fold ftrength. Firft, a naturalll fi:rength. Secondly,a fupernaturall. Firft,a naturall ítren th is that, by which wee performe the workeofnature ; this in it fclfeis neither pleafing,nor di rpleafing to Gccl ; but as a Cypher,whenie;tandsby it èlfe is nothing, but a figure being fet before it, it increafeth the film : fo this natural ffrength neither pleafeth God,nor difpleafeth,but as it is in a regenerateman,or un- regenerate inan,fo it helpes or hurts. 'Secondly,there is a fupernaturall ftrength , by which we are enabled to doe more than nature could heipeu3 to,and this is eitherforevill, or good things.Firft,there is a fupernatural ftrength that tends to evill,wben as to the naturall,Sathan addes a fupernaturall,to enable men to evill fuch a ftrengrh have they who dyed forThrc:fine, and the like;who kill Kings,&c. fee how the Apoftle fets out this,2.7her2.9,1 O. Such a ftrengrh have they that write , and dif- pute againft t: _e truth , they have'the ftrength of mad