Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. . mad men , which wee lay ,are three men ftrong: Solikewife. there is a fupernatural weaknes,when to natural imbecility there is a fuperadded weak - neffe:in the 8 ofLuk.t 2, there we fee that the rift r ground forgat the Word:whyrthrough weaknes onely ?No;bur Sathan he helpes on,He comes, & . takes away the Word,&c.. And fo we read öa more than naturali unaptnef e to receive the Go- 10e1,2.Cor.4.34.. The divel puts' to his hand , hee blinds theireyes, that tbe.light ofthe Cofpel fhauid . not fhtne to them : Fie helpes f.;rward thenaturall, weakne fe. Secondly, there is a fupernaturall ftrength toclo good,as Chrift bad his Difciples to flay at terufa tem,till th:y were endued with ftrength from a- bove L4.2 4.49.becaufe they were to enter upon a great worke,above naturali ftrength; to wit,to preach the Gofpel, therefore they had need have ftrength above nature, becaufe they were to preach the Gefpell. This fupernaturall f}ren;,tn we may know by this ; it will enable .us, to doe more thannature can, it over -flies the reach of nature, or mortality, or com mon grace:nature can doe as much as lyes in her power, or as is her. worke : but. there are force things which nature, though never fo well refined, can never Leach un- to. As Iron can doe as much as in Iror}, ¡ ifit bee made bright,and fit for thofe feveral ufés it ferves unto : But if you would have this Iron to turne to the North,it cannot doe, it till it be, touched. with the Lead-ftone,& hatha higher quality, ad, ded to it. So take the purelt water,and it caudoe. D 3 what .