Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Vfe a. The Saints Infirmities. nffuch , or fuch an infirmity they bee kept from the throne ofgrace , or weaken their afiurance : it was the commendation oftob, who (norwith- ftanding all his infirmities) would not let go his righteoufnefíe. Looke upon iffi,b is infirmities were many,as to imprifon the Prophet ; to trust to the Phyfiti- an more than God, &c. Yetbectufe there was an uprightnefìe of heart, fee what teftimony the Lora gives him in the 2 Chron. r 4.2. The like in leho/haphat.So Dsvid âad many foule infirmit es, yet becaufe found at the heart, God cals him, A man after his owne heart. So Saraah (notwith- ftanding her infirmities) is commended as a pa- terne to wives. I .Pet.3. 6. Rshab_ her infirmities are pafi'ecl over,and {he commended for her good worke .lamer 2.11e6. i i.And therefore(notwith- ftanding our infirmities) let us truft perfectly in the grace of Jefùs Chnf. }, and i fwe fee they doe a- bound,let us lay the more on Chrift, as fneedmg his helpe the more. The fécond Life is frcm the firft Caution : féeing infirmities though they doe not cut us off from Gods mercy, yet they may bring upon us many troubles ; therefore let us take heede of them ; it is not a fmall matter to bee fiibje& to infirmi- ties : fù it was but an infirmity in Rebecks* and .acob,tò compaffe the bleffing by indire& means.' But confider what it cog him, a great deale of grieveand paine : And fee how deare Davids in- firmities did colt him : So 1lofes,when he dif'cru- fted God, God-would not fufter him to goe into the