T be Saints Infirmities. 33 the Land of Garman thefe were all great affli&i- ons,which their infirmities brought upon them, though they did not aft them our ofGods fa- vour;therefore if we would avoyd filch troubles, let us beware ofliving under infirmities. The chirdufe is from the fecond Caution,that we dee not miftake rebellion and wickednes,for infirmities and weaknefie. Now Peeing wee may eafilybe deceived , let us try and examine our Vfc 3. Pelves narrowly ;for it is the life ofiner, to ihroud themfelves under infirmities;they fay,their mea- ning is good, &c.but its their infirmity. And on the other fide,many are upright in heart, and be - caufe they have infirmities,they thinke they have no grace ;and therfore we had need to judge both with righteous judgement. Now to helpe you in your tryall, confider first what an infirmity is: Secondly the figues of it. Firft,an infirmity is fuch a weaknefhe, as when theheart is upright, yet by reafon offome impe - dimenr,it cannot doe that good it would , and I doth the evil} it would not.So that there muff be firft uprightneffe ofheart,.elfe it is not an infirmi-j ty,but iniquity ; the heart muff be perfect with God in all things there muff bee a purpofe to plcafe God in all. Secondly,thereafon that itcannot doe fo, is from Tome impediment that hinders : and this a- rifeth from the rebellion of his flefh,whichleads him captive, makes him omit the good that hee would doe,and doe the evillhewould nor. 2 But now fecondly to come to the notes and E cha-