Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints I mitie.r. 35 Soir was with David when - het would have Nine Naha/ in a patfon,a td ¿hgal rnet him,and flayed him:oh how thankfuil he was to God,and her! it was a figne it was but an infirmity : and fog in the cafe ofVriahi when Nathan told him, bee was in the wrong:Pray.2 5.I2:he thatreproveth the wife and obedient, it is as a golden eàre -ring, or as an cornamentofgold, faith Salon.on;that i, he whore heart is upright, whofè intent is to grow rich in grace,accounts of thofe that reprove him,as of golden ornaments : But ifa man after admonition and reprofe will take his owne courfe,it is a figne cfhis wickednefi'e,and not in- firmity. Again, thirdly a finne of infirmity isalwaies with griefe and forrow of heart for that weak - ties : now what is griefe,but the endeavour and fcrife ofthe will ; when a man cannot attaine to that he would,or would thun fomething he can- not avoyd,then he is grieved and payned:As it is in the body ,all the griefe there,is when a part or member cannot performe its office or fun6lion : So intl e foule when it would faine doe filch a rhing,when the delire of the n,inde is fet on fuck, or fuch an obje &, and it cannot artaine it, then followes griefe : fo here,when the heart is drawn up topleafeGod in all things, and frmething comes in the way that it cannot,and therefore it is grieved ; and tl, ere fc ire in the 2 Cor. i o. i I. Ole Apofile makes this forrow a ground ofthei_r up- r ghtneffe,and it is certaine , where tbi griefe is not mingled,it is no infirmity. E 2 Every 3