4 S Signe: The Saints Infirmities. Every finne of Infirmity,produceth. a hearty complaint,and an earnefl defile, and a ferious en- deavour to have it cured;for every Infirmityin>a body that is quickned,that hath fome life in it,& fo is fenfible ofit:As in a dtleafe that a man is fen- table cf,he tels his friends,or any other that hee is in company with,of it,to fee if they can help him; if they cannot,he complains to the Phyfìtianyand goes whim to have it cured:fo in an Infirmity or . ficknefiè ofthe foule;an upright heart complayns to his Chris ian friends, I have fuch an Infirmity, what Thal I do to cure it ?if they cannot help him, he runs to him that hath the balme °f ailed', to Jefus Chriff to have it cured, 2.Cer. r 2.á,i. This was fo in St.Paul, hee prayed three times that it might he rernoved;he doth not welycomplaine, as in the 7. of the Rom. 24. and delire that it may be healed, as in the forenamed place where he praies again(l: it,but to thishe ads a feriions eridea- your, i Cor.26.2 7.he beates downe his body,&c. that is,he ufecd all good meanes for theovercom- n1ing ofthis infirmity:and where this complaint, detire,and endeavour is wanting,.it is a figne it is not a mans Infirmity,but Iniquity. F ifthly,if thy fin be a fin of Infirmity, thou fhalt find in thy felfe a continuali reluctancy, and-frrife againfl it:for as there is in thee a body of finne;fo alto a °body ofgrace, which being contrary to the other,will not luffer thee to be at quiet ;the fpirit will beagain(r the fiefh,as well as the flefh.againft the fpirit : and as the flea' will not fuffèr thee to doe a gq,Od duty, without reft:ing; and inter- rupting