mom 38 Difference. The Saints Infirmities. Sowhatfòeveris in the Law'ofrighteoufnefíe, if you could fee that which is written in the heart by jefus Chrift, you thould fee chara &er for cha- ra ±er,print for print; and fo, that if there were not a written Law,he'would be a Law unto hint - felfe to obey God, performe duties according to the Law written in his heart:Now when it ftands . thus with a man, and fomething, force impedi- ment comes in the way, that he cannot ferve God as he would, the law of his members rebelling a gainft the Law ofhis minde, then this troubles and grieves him,this he complainer of,and firives againf},and labours to have it mended. But now a naturali man ha th not the Law thùs written in his heart,he hath all things repealed to him with;nhis fphxre, to wit, of nature, heeaf- cends no higher : and although bee hash good purpofes and meanings , and grieves and com- plaines, yet all this is for fins committed againf} common light, againf} naturall confcierce, a- gainff the fecond Table. Now this is in a lcwer fplixre,rhey are lorry, hut not godly forrowfull, the'cannor grieve for omi(lion offpiritual duties, required in the firít Table , and fo wee fee they are not pircht on the fame objeas which makes a greater difierence.Now for the further and fuller clearing ofthis poynr, we will anfwer force que- {iions or cafes. 1~ irft, fuppofe I have firiven long againft Much aluft, ánd done what Ican, and yet can- not prevaile againfir it 1112111 fay this is an iUfir- mky r To