Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. 39 To this I anfwere, firff, that we may be, and 4nfw. are often deceived in this, when we have flriven long againfl it (yet we grow worfe) and that the Infirmity gets ground of us ; for an infirmity may appeare to get ffrength , when as it lofeth it. As when we cleanfe a pond,it appears more muddy then it was before, though in truth it lo- feth mud more and more. Every contrary , the more it is refilled, the more it appeares : as fire themorecold is about it, the hotter it is : fo an 1 Infirmity, the more it is refilled with the contra- ry grace, the more it appeares to prevaile,though in truth it lofeth ground and flrength. And therefore fecondïy I give this Rule, that 2 though you have ftriven, yet you muff not leave off, but continue your ffriving Iii 1, and ye: be :content with Gods hand in fuffc.i:g filch an Infirmity in you : for there is a double con - tentment : Firíf , that which is oppofed to mur- muring againfl Gods hand, and impatiency, and fo we muflbe content to fuffer an Infirmity on us : we mull not repine at Gods proceedings, Secondly,fuch a contentment,as is opp fed to flriving againfl the Infirmity, and fo wee mull not bee content to fuffer it upon us , but muff flrive conflantly againfl: it : As in a naturali Dif- cafe we are to labour to have it cured : but if God will have it lye upon us,we mull be content : So heere we fhould continually flrive againf f our In- firmities ; but if God fee good to let it refl upon us, we mull be content with his hand : For God cloth it that wee might have fomething to hum- ble