4 o The Saints Infirmities. ble us, and Humility is the nurfe of grace, with- out which, all grace would wither and decay. And againe,the power. of God re(s and dwels in an upright heart, and that mu( have an empty places and Humility makes roome for this,when the power of God dwels in us, when it begins to fettle in a mans heart : If hee now beginne to grow up in concei to of himfelfe, this expells the power of God,and crowds it out : and therefore God would have fomething to he in us, to keepe us in an humble condition. It is with us as with Pa2B,whenhe looked on his Infirmity 3 at the lint he was impatient,would have no deniall at Gods hand, but have it remooved ; hee prayed thrice, that is, often, to this purpofe. But when he law i t was a medicine , which he thought a poyfon, that it ferved to Humblehim,and by that means the power of God dwelt in him, then hee was content, and fo {houldwe. A gaine, thirdly I anfwere, fuppofe you do not 3. "in w. getvi&ory over your Infirmity, and you be no better than you were before , nayiofe ground of it,yet (rive (ill, for this (rife makes you hold head againft it, which otherwife you would not do.: for if when you (rive, you do but keep your ground,or lofe fomewhat, then what would be- come of you,if you did not (rive at all, thould you notgoe quire downe the ( reame, and lofe all? yes certaynely. As a man that Rowes agaynft the ftreame, fo long ashe Rowes, he does force good , lofeth force ground,and getteth Tome : but if he leaves Rowing,