Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T be Saint; rInfirmities. 41 Rowing,he goes quite downe the ftreám. And as a man may keepe the field againft his enemy, though he de not conquer him,yea though hee lofeth ground ,_ yet it is one thing to keepe the field,and another thing to be beaten out, and o -' vercome ; now this continual' ftriving makes a man to keepe the field againft his infirmity, and not to be overcome, and therefore its worth the while to continue ftriving. Laftiy,' fay,that though a man is fure of vi 4, eítn/rn. &ory, and that his came is never fo goods and that he goes on a good ground, yetGod may in his wifedome fo difpofe of the matter, that hee may lofe the vi&ory for a time ; as we f êe the If- raelites in a good caufe were foyled twice by the Benjamites ;and fó the D ifciplesofChrift that were Penton his bufinefre ro fifb, they fifhed all night in vain. And fo Mofes,though he went on Gods errand, yet he prevailed not a good while, but the people wereoppreffed more than be fore,. Exod.5. And fo Paul,though he was called to goe into c..M cedonia,yet fee in the ftory what a many lets he had,yet afterwards he planted a Church there; fo when wee f }rive againfl any finfull luft, our caufe is good,and wehave a certain prom ife that we thall overcome, even as certaine a prom ife as louah had, that he should drive out the Canaa- 'me s,and overcome them,when the Lord encou- raged him,faying,I wil not faile thee,nor forlàke thee. So fure a promife have we in the firft ofLuk. wer.74. Wee (hail be delivered from all our ene- mies, /