Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

tbë Sáfi nir I'irniitaes. 2. mies,that fo We Might ferve God in trolii es Viand therfore be npt difcouraged though thy infirmi- ty hang long loug upon r eeibut {rive againft it, in the end get the vietóry. A fecond queftionis,whetheran,rnfirmityr may hang on aman all his life, Or no ; for Tome wer' may fay, I have have liad a finne which haunted me all my life hitherto,_and may do till my dying day,for ougght,as1 doe know,and [hall I then fay this is an ïn"firrhity. In'this cafe we muff dift ngüifh of infirmities, for infirmities are either occafionall, which are occafioned by force other accident, or habituall, which ftay longer by a man, and thefe are either naturall to us and fo proceed either fromour Pa- ,¡ rents, and fo are hereditary to us, even as Tome dife ales are;and fo we are fubje& to the very fame ^, infirmities that our parents are :elfe they are filch, as arife from the temper .ofour owne bodies. Such as proceed from our naturall complexion, or elfe fuch as proceed from cullome,which is a- nother nature:now I f. ?y,that occafionall infirmi- ti es,fùch as arife from without,and fuch as come. from Sathan,thefe continue but for a fir, and doe not laic all a mans life, God loth uft-tally fet Sa- than alimited time : He maygivehim liberty to teirTpra man, buthe. fets him his bounds,, thus long he mull doe it, and no longer, ufually I fay, God doth thus ; for he may fufler him to doe it longer,tut feldome all a mans life. But now for our naturall hereditary infirmities,thefe may,and doe oftentimes Continue for tearme of life : for they