é . _ `ai.s 43 they have a root in us. Now thou h youdoe lop `offthe branches,yetthe root wil -and forth more againe : I do not fay,that they fo prevaile, as that they reigne in a man ; for grace will continually get ground againk it : but it may remain in a man fo long as bee lives and God bath a good end in it;for he would glorifie his Son in us, not only at our firft converfion,but all our life after; hee would make us depend on Chrift alwaies, as well for fan&ification as for juf tification : he would make us fee what need wee have ofa daily' Mediator? and therefore leaves daily infirmities, in our Nature to exercife us with,and to caufe -us' to looke up to Chrift, as the Brazen Serpent was lift up among the Ifraelites. Another cafe may be this4-whether a tin againft knowledge and with deliberation may he fàid to be a fin of infirmity,or no ? To this I anfwer, that a fin committed fimply withdeliberation,cannotbe an infirmity:that isaz let a man be ever hi mfelfe,without let or impedi- ment,let him he his owne man,let the/ eye ofhis underf}anding be as when the Stun fhines,and dif- pels the mifts,fo that it may fee all before it; and let'his will and affe &ions walke at liberty : and in this care a good man cannot fin deliberately. See the ground of this, Bem.7.17 .If I commit fanne, it is no more I, but finne that dwelleth in nie : That is,when I am my felfe, my owne man,not bound up with anylufi,I thus doe not fanne, it is not I:But in this cafe,which is the ufuall, and in- deed all the cafe ofChriftians, namely, when any F?_ paffion 3. lf.