Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

----..1. 44 The Saints Inftrrtiitiès. paffion or inordinate affeftion, "or_firong diftem- per dotheither blinde, the eye ofreafon, or lye up h is aa ton, fo that he is not at liberty, then I may commit a fin, having long deliberated On it There may bee fuch diiítemper ofaffeLtion as may continue long,and though it do nOt wholly blind Reafon,yet it blindes moil of it. And this was." the cafe of David in numbring the people, hee; deliberated on itaoab tels him the truth,and rea- foned the cafe withhi m,and yet hee did it:and f© we know in,murthering Vriab, it was confulted on,and a deliberate anion, but there was much paffion mingled with'it:David was nothimfelfe; there was forte ftrong affeetion that did bind and .tie up the ufe of the regenerate part, as in drun- kenneffe ;that,acceffe binder up for a time the ufe ofreafon,tó that he could not walke in the li- berty of his fpirit,. and therefore it was his infir- mity-: We may fee, that paffion overcame David r the tinie,by his eon-raring out of there hones: For when afie'r he ëarrie to hi nifelfe, and law the greatneffeofit, as tribally when a finale iseón -- mitted,(and not before;t hen we fée the grievouf netfe of it; then Davidconfeffed he he had finned and done very foolilhly. So a Christian may fall into a conne, of world- ly mindedneffe, or the like, and this luit may bang upon a n an)and yet be a firine ofinfirmity: firft, when mari is h imfelfe, hee fees it, and re- pents it. e,-stn fI,:2. Secóndly,I aufwer, that in their deliberation, which is mingled with paffion, there is a double errour ; .