The Saints ' In rnzt ié.r. 45 errour ; namely, when a man erres either about the ultimate or laft end, or w henhe erres onely in the meaner. Now a regenerate man bath let up God for his laft end, whom he muff never for - fake,nor partwith for all the world, but in force particular thing he mayerre: As when he thinkes hemaydoe fuch a thing, and yet keepe his God ífill, or elfe may get pardon for nne quickly, or elfe minceth his times bydiffinéfions,&c. and fo may commit a finne deliberately : For this is a true rule, that any fin is a finne of infirmity fo _long as wc*doéerre about the-laft end, though in force particular we are out,còncerning the means and way toit.. But now an unregenerate inan,he deliberates after this maciner,I would have God formy G c d, would not bee -withoutGod in theworld, but there is fuch a pleafure,fuch a profit which I muff needes have and rather then he will lofe it, he will part withGod;t'ruste makespleafure his ut termoft end. A man loves his life,& loves the ufè, ofhis members as of his hand, his arme, or his, leg,&c.But he.had rather lofe his hand, or any oft. his members than his life. So a wicked man co- vets his pleafure more than his life,he cannot live ifhe have it not and God he eftee:es but as one ofhis members, which he would not willingly want : But a Çhriftian God fir his chiefè end,and never fins with deliberation, al) out this end:he will not forgetGod upon any tearms, but may erre in the way, thinking he may fulfill fuclA a luft,and keepe God too. F 3 Another