Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

tsÏ pitiës. _._._ Another queftion is,whether a regenerate Man, may not fall into Tome prefumptuous fins, andfo commit a finne that is not ofinfirmity. For anCwer to this,we muff know, that a pre- fumptuous finne is of two forts:Firfl, a fin that is fimply prefumptuous, when wee know fuch a. thing to be t*tfuil, and yet prefunaing on Gods mercy, we will doe it ;I fay thus a godly man can - uet finne prefumptuoufly. But there is a fin that is comparatively prefump- tuous- ; to wit,in compari fon of our other Pinnes, . which wee commit with more relu ta»ncy, with more tendemeffe of confcience but fome others we commit more againff knowledge, and are more our feives when we doe them; there are comparatively prefumptuous fumes , and a godly man may fome- time commit them : As wee .fee, it was eas'ìdscafe in the matter of Vriah , when hee plotted his death. The end of the firft S E K M o N. Th