Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The.. Saints f n, firmities. to the Gentiles , and doing it in ameek and ten- der manner, asverf. 18. 19. which manner is here illuftrat i by the confederation of the per- foils to worn this judgement was declared or {hewed , who are here expreifed under the fimi- litudes of a brui fed Reed,and fmoaking flaxe. A Reed, the weakeft plant,that is,not a ftrong Tree ; yet this a broken one, none of the ftron- gefl : So Flaxe, that takes the fire a great deale f000ner than a Reed will, efpecially if it be drye, and hive hung neere the fire, but molt of all , if it be already fmoaking, the leaít fparke will do that; yet Chrift will not quench that little fpark. Then he fhewes the ifibe of his Teaching, till ht brixg forth audgment into viairy : that is, un- till that little fparke have got the maftery,or that he may, &c. and fo it is a reafon of hit tender dealing : becaufe orherwife, if reughly dealt withall, it never would prevaile : as a little ;coale, if it be hard blown, is foone extinguifhed,hut i nourifhed,and gently dealt with, increafeth to a mighty flame So the legit grace, though as weakc as a bruifed, crufhed Reed, or as fmall as a fparke offire, that only makes the flax to fmoak, yet if cherifhedby Chrift, it will increafe, and come at laft to victory: fo that in there Verfes yee have foure things. Firfi, the Office of our Saviour Ieihs Chrift, which is, to Teach men judgement. Secondly,the manner how he Both it :namely, with Tenderneffe and Meekneffe. Thirdly, the perlons : narraely,fuch as are very weake