The Saints Infirmities. weake and feeble in grace and holinefi'e oflife. Fourthly,the ifhue,namely, that Heew/116ring forth judgement into valor'. For the firlt and fe. cond of thefe. The Office (Ifay) ofChrift, is to teach men Doi, r, judgement, and this he doth with much render - nefie,compaffion,and gentlenefíe: for the former part,that Chrifts office is to thewmen judgment. Firft,to teach men the jiftand righteous waies of God fo the word is taken in theold Tefta- ment,to enlighten men to judge ofthe wayes of God.Therebe two ends why Chriftcame;firft,ro juftifie, and fecondly to fan¿filiie us, . to gives us forgivenes offins,3.4é1.l4.5. 40.3 1. therefore Chriftis often compared toa fhepheard,in the ro ofSt.lshn,(and many other places)that feeder his flock,and heis allo called,toh.r.9. the true light which fightneth the world , and .every man that commeth into the world : (thatis)ifChrift had not come into the world, there would not have bin one (park of Gods Image left in man,neither ¿data nor his pofterity Mould have knowne any thing,but a cloud ofdarknefle fhould have feized on mens minds. But now by Chrifts comming e- very one,even the wicked have this benefit, that theyhave feene common light: Ch rift 'lightens e- veryone that commeth into the world, in focne fort teacheth them fo much as fball make them inexcufable. It is his office to teach men, and he doth it in the next place with much gentlenefl`e and tender 2 neffe : chat we will eafily grant., ifwee.confider G who 49