. ThèSairrts I?gritrities.`. who it is that teacheth,áhd who We are that are that -re taught', a rudepeople, fo hard to con-, ceive, fo ready to forg «therefore we had neede, have much gentleneffe.We í ywhen one quickly conceives a thing, and then goes to teach it to a- nother that cannot apprehend it , it will weary him,ifhe be not very meeke.An angry man when he findes any impediment, hee flyer on the face it prefently;and a proud' man he will not beare fo much,nor waste fo long.But now Chrift is meek, and thinkes not much to waite from day to day, to drop inhere a line;and there a line,here a little, And there a little : he teacheth with much rneeke- nel e ; the reafon is in the verse before ; Chrifi deales with us according to his nature and difpo -_ ftion. I ow as it is Paid before,he {hall not ffrive nor cry ;,when -the Pharifees would have killèd t'im,rather than he wtuld`ffrive with them, hee departed, yeelding to them, went his waies from 6 them.And againe it is faid,neither (hall his voyce be heard in the (lreetes , alluding to an aftion of his,when he had wrought a great worke, he bad them not utter the matter : he carne not with pompe, and ma }effy as great men, that cannot come into a place , but the towne muff ring of them ; he deters no man by his greatnef e, from comming unto him , but was of an humble and meek difpofiticn. And according as his nature was,fo he dealt with us, teaching us with much 1.tendernes, and meeknes:then there is no reafon, why we fhould he d;fcouraged for any ofour in- firmities,for Chr1ff will beare with them. If he were