. .¡-he Sáirlts In unities. I were not God , and man;that is,ifhe were not pa- tient in an infinitemariner , hee could not beare with us : but he is infinitely patient,therefore be not difcouraged : in Ezek. 34.16. hee compares himfelfe to a thepheard,aticl faith he) I will feeke that which was loft, and bring againe that which was driven away, and will binde up that which was broken,and wil ftrengthen the we 2ke:where we fee there be forre caufes ofweakneffe. Camf r 4. Firft , men are apt to ftraggle out of the way, r through vanity and weaknefle of their owne ípí rits. Now when a man Both fo weaken and lofe himfelfe through his own folly,then'Chrift Leeks him,and will not fuffer hint to be utterly loft. David wandred as well a: Saul,but God felight David againe, andwould not lofehim:thereío,e we fee that David delights to ufe this Metaphor in Pfai.I I 9.176. Againe, a temptation may come on a man which is too ftrong for him,and drive him out of the way;as fheepe when theeves come, are driven out of the fold,whither elfe they would not have gone: there Chrift promifeth to bring backe a- gaine : as David recovered the fheepe out of the paw of the Lion and Beare,fo Chrift will recover his children that were carried away with fuch ftrong temptations. Againe,fuppofe there be fome wound made in the foule by tome aduall finne, if there bee fon:e breach made into the confcience, Chrift promi- feth in the next place to make up this breach,that he will binde up that which was broken : a man G _2 may