Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints infirmities. may complain that he is weake, and ready to' ftraggle as before : therefore Chris} promifeth to ftrengthen that which is weaker that is, hee will lead them on to a greater meafùre of f rength daily,whereby they fhall be able to get vierory o, ver filch infirrnities:Efa.4o.t i. He thall feede his flock like a fhepheard,he (hall gather the Lambes with his arme, and Thal! carry them in his bo= fOme,and (hall guide them with young : Here we fee , that in the fold ofChri t there is this diffe- rence of (beep. Some are fcrong that can goe apace fome are weaker,that cannot keepe pace with the other, and they are compared to the Ewes with young, that can goe but a flow pace : Some are fo weake, that they muff be carried , elfe they cannot goe. Now thofè that are fo weake, that they cannot comprehend Chrifl, he is ready to comprehend them : when men are weaken and have not that úfe of their faith which others have , to lay hold on Chrifli,Chrift will take hold on them,and car - ry them in his bof e, and thofe that areweake, and cannot keepe Pace with others, he will guide them,and drive them on,according to their pace, and he will drive on the ftrong according to their f}rength;and though hebeare with the weake,he expetls more from the ftrong : See how pacob or- dered his flocke in that manner that he would not out -drive them : and (half not God doe foal- fo, whohath taught the Hufbandman this dif- cretion,Efa. 28. ufe it himfelfe ? furely he will : in the a ofS.Jam.'v r:5.Tfany man lack wifdome, let