Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. 53 let him aske it ofGod,that giveth to all men li- berally,and uplraiderh none,and it (hall be given unto him : That is,you (hall finde this difference betweene God and man. If one be foolifh,and goes to man, man is ready to defpife him,and laugh at hint.; : but aske wifedome at Gods hands, be gives it to him libe- rally,and twits himnot with his folly; upbraides him not with his weaknefre :.look how a tender mother dealcs with her child,the more its weak- nefTe is,the more tender fhe is of it;fo doth Chrifi guide us according to our weaknefre, and tender us the more,becaufe we are meeke and humble: and therefore wee have no caufe to bee di fcoura- ged, for that weaknefre which we finde in our felves.We are indeed exceeding backward to be_ leeve this,and therefore fee what's added : Ecek. 34.16.11efaith,he will feed them with judgment: That is, with wifedome and difcretion : for he is wife, and knower how to feede the accor- ding to their weake capacities , and fo his Wifedome may bee.a ground that hee will ten- er us. Again,his power may-fhew that he wil do this with us, becaufe hee is able to make crooked things firaight : Ifa man meet with a crooked piece ofwood,whichhe would ftreighten for his ufè,and cannot, he throwes it away, becáufe he cannot make it faraight. Men i f they are to deale with ra Scholler that is hard to learn; they give give himover,becaufe he is uncapable ; they can- not make him conceive i nlruc` ions.But Chriff; is G ;able i