Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

54 Objeïfion. Anfani. The Saints Infirmities. able to make crooked waies firaight, to quicken thofe that are dul,to put new natures into us;and therefore he will not deale fo harfhly with us. Againe,if there he any grace in us,it is his owne worke,and therefore it is for his credit to perfect it.i?hef:5.24.PhiLi.6.he fhould not be faith full elfe,ifhe fhould not doe it;but he will doe it:as a workman loves his owne workes , and will not leave them unperfe &, fo neither will Chrifi. A- gaine,it is his Fathers will , that thofe who are weake(houldbecherifhed, his delight isftillin leading them from one degree offtrength to a- nother ; for his power is more feene in them, and he hath more thanker from them, as hee had from Mary Magdalen. But force will fay, oh but my heart is fo unto- ward,that I{èare I [hall never overcome? Confider well that place , the 42. of ER. 5, 6. verf.Thus faith the Lord, Hee created the hea- vens,and ftretched them out ;he that fpread forth the earth,and that which commeth out of it ;he that giveth breath to the people upon it, and fpirit to them that walke therein:I the Lord have called thee, &c. Confider who it is that created the heavens, the earth, and thebuds thereofthat gives breath, &c. is it not God ?now then fuppofe he findeth nothing in the nature of man , but an emptineffe of grace and holineffe;i s it not he that made the heavens when there was none before f and then is not he ablè to create grace in a mans heart? Againe,looke on the earth in the winter, it is very