Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Saints Infirmities. very hard, a man would thinke it fhould never l bring forth flowers,yet in the fpring it puts forth many kinde offruits and flowers : fo though thy heart be as hearbes in winter, yet God is able to make grace fprout forth there, as flowers in the fpring ; befides iris he that giveth breath to the peoples that is, ifyou looke upon all the crea- tures in the world, yet none was able to put life in ;them,but God.So though your foules be like un- to a clod ofearth,hee is able to put lfe in them, the breath oflife,as he did at tTie firff; hee is able to enlighten and enlarge them further, and therefore bee not difcouraged for thy weak - nefle. Is it thus ? that Chrif: teacheth in judgement, vfe a . and that with much companion and tenderneilèt then this fhould encourage men to come unto Chriflr to learne ofhim, to take his yoke on them : this ufe we finde to be made of this Do- trine in the ti ofSt. mat. 28,2g,and ; oVerles, Come unto mee all yee that are weary and heavy laden,and I will cafe you : take my yoke onyoú, and learne ofine,and you {hall finde reff to your foules : for my yoke is cafe, and my bill-then is light : that is,let a man looke upon Chrift and his wayes, and ufually they are difcouraged with the flrianefl'e ofReligion, they thinke they {hall bee too {traight laced, and bound with fetters, that are too ftraight for then. Now ( faith Chrifi )- . feare not,for I am meeke and lowly,and fùch Thai you find my dealings to be towards you. There be two things in the Text to move us to conic'_ 55