56 The Saints 7n ffrmities. I 2 come in to Chrift, and to be fubjeeo-to his yoke. FirfF,the nature ofthe thing it felfe,it is an eafie yoke:Before you come to me,you are like men in prifon;but when you come tome, I loofen you, and fet you at liberty : before you were as in darkneffe, but when you come tome , I enligh- ten you : before you were as men in fickneffe, but when you come to me, I firengthen and heale you. A fecond thing,is from the perfonyou have to deale with, that is, Chrift : Come unto me, for I am exceeding gentle, and meeke, and fuch fhall you finde me:Iohn Baptzfland Mofer came rough- ly,but Chrift is come in tenderneffe;ifyon be fub- je& to infirmities,heis ready to pafíe them by; i you be overcome' with them he is ready to reco- ver you : and thereforenow come in to Chrift; fiibmit your fclves to his yoke, to his teaching and difcipline,to his rule and government which is fo:eafie. But ifyou will not , hee will rule you with a rod of Iron,and breake you in pieces like aPotters Vefíell ; ifyou {land out with him, then none is fo rough as hee, and therefore ob- ferve him. Ifa King fhould fay at his-Coronation,he would open all the prifon doores, would not offenders take that opportunityror ifa Creditor fhould fay to his debtors, come to me at fuch a time, and I will forgive you and your debts,and give you in your bonds : would the debtor over -flip that time ? So