The Saints Infirmities. 5 7 So let us, when Chriff offers himfelfe to teach us with fuch tenderises, go to him,take that time epeciall;confidering that thefe are fuch times as are in Gods owne power; thofe things that are in our owne power, we may doe what wee will with,and take our owne time:but thefe times are not in our hands,but in Gods;and therefore take heede ofoverflipping that time,whenChrifl car- ries himfelfe as a Nurfe unto us : there is a time for every purpofe, and that lafts but for a feafon, Ecclef 3.1 1,12. T here is a certaine feafon which God appoynted for every purpofe,there is a time when the bufinefîe may be well done, and ifthat be let flippe, it will not fucceede, but he will be (hared in an ev ill time, becaufe he know - ethnot the good time. Therefore when it is paft, his mifery is great. So chiefly there is a time of receiving grace, but this time a man knowes nor, yet he is undone if he paffe it : therefore take heede of overflipping any offer of grace : pro - craffination in all things is dangerous, but here efpecially. Now that which deceives us, is the deferring : but we muff not deferre one day, and fay, then we (hall doe it another;no,for then we (hall let the time be part : as in a Chariot, the Wheeles runne neare one another, but they never overtake one another. And as in a Clock the Minutes are but little diffant one from another , yet none of them are toge- ther : So the Divell by his cunning thinker` to make you doe it now, and by and by, H till