Ammo 58 T he Saints Infirmities. till he have-made you paffe you'r houre:thereFote take heede of deferring, and come in, w4 Chriff doth expreffe hirnfelfe thus unto you itt thee tearmes,whiles.he deales, thus tenderly and gently with you: It is verydangerous thing to lofe the opportunity of receiving. Chrift when he offers him fèlfe, when he deales gently ,which we gather from that,place, thus;; if there be a time for every purpofe, theucerta}nely there is a time for the greateft bufineflè that a man hath to doe on the earth,thatis, to come in to Chrir,.and re- ceive hi aloud if the mifery cfman be great upon him, ifhe let flip other feafons,much more if he neglect this ; but now there is a time for every purpofe,as there places tef}ifie. And to inf}ance in force few,Gehezi tocke a gift ofNaaman,2King. Eliflha to him, Is this a time to take gifts ? there was a time when thou mightefl have done, it,at another time,ofanother perfcn thou migh- tef}, but this was not a time : for Naaman was a stranger, and did notknc w the cuftomes, and Elifha would give hi this health fieely,and ther- fore it was not the time ; and therefore wee fèe the mifery was great, the leprofie clave to him and his pofterity, becaufe he knew not the time;. foSaulbecaulè he facrificed before Samuel came, the thing he did was good, but he tooke not the right time, he was too haf}y, he knew not his time;and fo his miferywas great upon him; God took the Kingdoms fromhim, and gave it to his neighbour, I.Sam. i 3. r 3, I4. So Iacob when he fought the blefiing , he thought he did a good thing,