The Saint( In mies. 59 thing,but he did not flay the time, fo the.mifery ,was great upon him : fee what along peregrina, tion, what a hard fervice he did undergoeunder his uncle zaban, and all becaufe he knew not the right time.So the ifraehter when they fought a King, if they had ftaied their due time, God would in his due time have revealed unto them, that David Ihould be their King, for he had fo appoynted it : and therefore becaufe they mif- fed of the time, their mifery was great on them iò likewife for other purpofes,fo for this; there is a time for a man to come in, and take the offer that Chrift makes , a time when he is kinde and gentle, and ready to receive us;ifwe know not this ti me,and fo over -flip it, our mifery will bee great upon us. Now then it is very requifite to know and find out this time;becaufe ifwe choofe Gods time,God will joyne with us in the worke, and fo it will be done with eafe,Ecclef.3.9,1 o. A time to love, &c. what profit hath he that wor- keth,in that wherein he laboureth ? I have feene the travell which God hath given to the Tonnes ofinen,;tobeexerci fed init: (that is) men take much travell and paines to bring their purpofes and ends to paffe; when they doe not take Gods time,and what profit have they by it? Now ifyou will open when Chrift knocks at thedoore, harken to the motions of the.fpirit, and blow them,and nourifh them, and it will bee done with tnuch eafe ; but ifyou miflë this time, your mifery is great; you may deire,and cry,and pray,and never the better ; Ecclef. 9. i 2 . For a 2 man -.--.--.