6o The Saint.rin firnaities. man alto knoweth not his time;as the fith is,that is taken in the evill net, and as the birds that are caught in a lî,are,fo are the formes ofmen fìrared in an evill time , when it falleth fuddenly upon them : There is a double time, as wemay gather out of thefe words; a good and acceptable time, fo called,becaufe God is then ready to accept and receive us,ífweconic in that time; and ifwe doe not make ufe and embrace that good and accep- table time, then the evill time (hail fall upon use we {hail he caught in an evill net and fnare : there may be a good net come on us, as afilktion; fick- nefle, and the like may core upon us , fo as to doe us good , as wecatch at fume things to pre - ferve them alive fora bettercondition than they were in : but now ifwee overflip the good time, than the evill net (hall fall upon us,fcknes,death, and deítruftion (hall come on us faddenly as a fnare : that we may fee the ground of this, fee what Chrift faies, Lui.1942,43ì Ifthouhad'ft iówne, even thou, at leaft in this thy day, the things which belong to thy peace, but now they are hidden from thine eyes : He 1peakes it to the iesver,whoyet enjoyed the miniftry of Chrift,and he tels them that the time of their vifitation was paft. So that a man may have the liberty to live under the Miniftry, long after thatCod hath rejected him:Chrifc came then and vifìted the fewer, and all profited nothing : then the were like the Fig - tree that Chriftcurfed,after their day was hafted: and this day may be long before a mans death,he may