Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. ß >a: may live long rejeaed : and therefore let us take heed we doe not Eland out our time. In outward things we are wont to anticipate and prevent time : fo Jacob -got the bleffing before the time : and the Ifraelater fought for a King before the time : and fo men would be haflily rich; and fo for pleafures, ifwe thould flay Gods time, to take it-after labour; we thould doe -well, butwe prevent our time here ; but in fpirituall things we are too flow, let flip our time, to come after : But this is dangerous, take heede of it: It's a good note which the Stoicks have ; forme things are in our owne power, and in them wee_ may ufe our owne liberty : but other things, are in the power of others, and then wemutl take the opportunity while it is oflered:we muff Saile when the Winde blower. N ow of this latter kinde are fpirituall things, andtherefore we -mutt take the time that's offered' :- Indeed if the time were in our owne power, or ifwe knew the time when,wemight delay REf. t. I t.It is not for us to know the times which the Father hath kept for his owne power, and no man knoweth what fhallbe,, neither can any tell it him , and therefore take heede ofletting flippe the time : Sathan deceives us in this, jutl as the Lapwing doth, when a man is neare hernefl, fhe.fiieth a little before a man,and then lighteth , andflyeth a little further,tillhe_hath led us quite out of the way. So Sathan snakes- to deferre -a little longer, and-a little longer, till our time be. pafl . and ;here-