Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

64 The Saints Ynfirmitie.r. Vfe. $?bjelfion. in which they walke, that if a Chriftian {honk be left to himfelfe , he would quickly find that it is Chritts power that hee mutt walke in, that mutt go along with him to guide him,and rode- liver him from his enemies. Now for the ufe of this, it may fèrve to corn- fort weake Chriftians : what though thou art notat that growth as other Chriftians are? yet be of good comfort; a Reed hath life in it,afwell as the firongeftOke: what though thou canft not fee the flame of an Holy Converfation, but only the fumes: yet you may know there is fire : Men that are in the Covenant, arc like men that are gone in at a doore,or into a Church, or the like: fome are further in than others, but yerall are in So.though the weake be not fo forward as ano- ther, yet he may be in,though not fo farre in : for ahud drawes lap from the roote , afwell as the fruite:why fo thou mai:ft be a bud,and have grace in Tome Meafure., though not info great a Mea- Cure : yet thou maift be a true Chriftian, though a weake Chrittian. But you will fay, that it is ahard thingto be perfwaded,that God will accept of fuch a weak ling as I am. Therfore confider the nature of Chrift, for we are deceived in that, as in other things : in 2. of Heb. verÇ i 7, We fee that it behoved chrifi in all things to be made like unto his brethren , that hee might beamercif"all high PrieJ1, &c. Chrift is our High-prieft : now there are three Offices of our High- prieft Firft,