-: : .------ Tb Saints infirmities. 65 Firft, IIe wa. to receive every Sacrifice. Three oicei Secmdly, ro offer Sacrifice daily. fChriff. Thirdly, to lay the Wood together, and pre - ferve the fire. Now then it belongs to Chrif}, to receive every firmer that comes to him, as it did to Aaron, to receive the Sacrifice : and if Chrift íhould not do all that belongs'to his Office, he (hould be an un- faithfull High- prief} : but bee is cal'ed a faithfull High- prief }. Ifthen a firmer come toCbrif}, and faith, Lord I know that God is a confiaming fire, and I dare not come to him in tiny felfe, but in the Merit of that Sacrifice which thou offred'f1, Chriftcannot rejec`thim : but fayes hee to him, Come ante me, and t will receive you : if they doe but come, He cannot but receive them, elfe bee { hould be unfaithful! in his Office,arid in his pro - mile : but He is faithful! in bothand-not only fo, but He is a Mercifuil High prieft, and fo wil pity them that come unto Him, though you have ma- ny Infirmities& Imperfe Lion : w y, it is Chrifts Office to renew the Sacrifice daily : He offers up a daily facrifice for us, even His owne righte- oulneffe : and as He doth this for !uflification, fo for Sad}ificationalfo. When Sacrifice layd on the Altar, the Priefts could not bring fire from Heaven to confunae it but God lent i t,and fo fhewed that it was accepted : We may lay the Wocd together,butcannotbring fire from Hea- ven : Butt Chrifl is a Prieft of an Higher Order than was t 4aron : Hee will kindle this fire of Sanctification, and encreafe it, and keepe it í}i11. I bur-