Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Q 3 4 5 i The Saints infirmities. burning ; it's his office fo to doe : and therefore doubt not but Chrift will receive you. Oh,but this were fome comfort, WI had afi'u- rance that I had but one 1parke of true grace in me : therefore how (hall I know thate I anfwer, there be five fgnes laid downe its the Text, whereby a man may come to know this. Firft,in thefe words, 3e will bringforth jfslge anent into viflory That is the first thing that Chriff Both, even to let up a right judgement in thee :When the Apofile praies for the Philippians, he praies, That they may abound in knowledge and judgement. Secondly, there is life in a bruited Reed , as in the ftrcngeft Oke. Thirdly,there is fire,though never lofmali, as in the ftrongeft Oke. Fourthly,there is a Combate,. Fiftly, there is a vitIory. N ow for the firft ofthee,, confider whether Chrift ha th let up his judgement in thee: when the Apoftle praies that the Pbilipiois may a- bound in knowledge , And all jùdgement :That is, that they may difcerne of things that dif- fer, and he takes it fcr granted that it wa right, elfehe would not pray for the encreale of it. So that when n man can difcerne ofthings that difter,whei; he can put a diffe;encebetween the waies cfGod and fin,betweene fpirituall pri-! viledges, and outward vanities, betweelie truth and