The Saints Infirmities. and falibood : Then there is a light come into a Man, and this makes them pure and blameleflè, fils them with the f nits of righteoufneffe : now then if thou haft this in any degree, thou haft the fpirit of Chrilt : as it was in Chrift,Efay 11.2. 3, He bad the fpirit of wifedome .out underflanding, the fpirit of might, the fysrit -of lcnowledge,and of the fedre ofthe Lard. So is it in all his Members, they have she fame fpirit, and dce not judge ac- cording ro the fight of the Eye, or the Hearing of the Eare, bur judge righteoufly : for there is a Two -fold judgment : firfr, when our Eye or Eare judge, and wee judge according to that when we fend out our fpirits, and heare what they re- port, and this is ready to bring in a fal-fe Report, to fay that finne is fweet and pleafant, and it will reprefent grace as vile, becaufe it judgeth accor- ding to outward appearance: and the out -fide of Chriftianityis bale, in regard of mil- reports, that are brought up of it : as the ten Meffengers' brought an evill Report upon the land of Cana- an ; and in regard of the out -fide of it in thofe that profefl'e it,who are many times poore and contemptible Men, and in regard of the Infirmi- ties and failings of the Saints. Now if a Man judge by the Eye, that fees nothing but the ont- fide, he will efteeme of Religion as bale. But it is otherwife when a Man hath the fpirit of judgment he will lookeffurther into Things, he pries into the infide, and then he wil not judge of the wayes of God,and of finne, as the World doth : but will fera bafenefle in finne , and an ex- I 2 cellency