46 ï That the Nature of man is full of SEßM. II. (hall finde that the underftanding reckons the wayes . of God both enmity and folly, and godly men to be partly fooles, and partly enemies, and contrary to them. Therefore you (hail finde a difpofition,an ai- fetion, a frame of the will to anfwer that, mingled i partly of hatred, and partly of contempt, and a man I partly hates, and partly contcmnes,and thinkes light of holinc(fe: And this is the difpofition of the wil of every man before Regeneration, I fay, the holineffe defcribed in the pure Word of God, and exprefled in the lives of the Saints,he partly hates as a thing con- trary to him, and partly contemnes it as folly. But we will Phew you the particulars of the Will, as we did of the Vnderflanding. I. of the Cott- Therefore firft confider the Contrariety ofthe will, trariety of the > will to God. it is contrary to God in all things ; looke what God's will is in any thing, you (hall finde your will contra - diF,hing it, and going a contrary way : It is Paid of the Lewes, as a thing that exceedingly aggravated their finne,and the miferable condition they were in, they were contrary to all men ; and if it bee fo much to bee contrary to men, what is it to be contrary to God, to refit( Him, to goe againft Him ' And yet what Hee will have done, that wewill not doe; and what Hee will not have done, that we doe, that is the difpofi- tion of our will. 2. The Pride Secondly,confider the Prideof the will,how ready of the will. it is to exalt it felfe above its meafure, for the will of man fhould be adependant wil,a fubjet wil, waiting on God, as the fervantwaits on the Mater, or as the handmaid waits, on her Mifireffè, that is, a mans wil (hould be difpofed in every thing as God pleafes. If