68 The Saintsinfirmities. cellencyin religion, becaufe hee is enabled" to judge aright. For Chrift, as he makes his princes and Priefts, lb he makes them Prophets llRcewife, to judge and difcerne of things aright, and this he doth by opening the eyes, d4Lts 26. i 8. that is, good things in themfelves are very ex- cellent, and detirable, but we fee them not till our eyes are opened ; there is a vaile drawne ever our eyes till Ch rift removes it, and opens them. What is that? Why,Chrift he elevates and raifeth up that light which wehave unto an higher degree, and that is by putting a new light into their foules,lobn 1.9. that is, the true light, which lightneth every one that commeth into the world. Before the Creation was complear, there- was force light ; the firlf day after the Sunne was created, and after the fall he enlightned every on that came into the World ; ( that is ) all men have fomelight or other by fetus Chrift ; before there was no fparke of light in . us, but all that Wee have is by C "riff : that glimmering light which is in Naturall men, is but a fparke of the new Image, which Chrift hath put on us : But in this, Chrift raifeth up the light higher and high- er ; and when this- new light is put in us: then a , mans Eyes are Paid to he opened, when he can fee round about him , and difcerne that excellency in grace, and that bafeneffe