Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

a The Saints Infirmities. 69 bafeneffe in finne which were in them before, but they could not fee it, as the Cuariots and . Horfe -men were with Gehezi, but his eyes were not opened to fee, them : Arrd fo the Well was nere Hagar, but fhe law it not till God had opened her eyes, and [hewed it un- to her. So death and deftru&ion may be very neere an unregenerate man, and hee not fee it, till God opens his Eyes : fo allo a Ci riftian may, have ground of comfort , and hee nor know it, till God: [heweth it unto him : Now where a mans Eyes are opened, that hee can fee thus round about : him ; then hath CHRIST let up his Judgement in a. piano But here now all the bufinef e will be to dilcern between the .common judgement of a man,and this right judgement which C 1rif1 Pets up in him , which difference is feene by thefe parti- culars. Firft, they differ in the Authors, of them : a- nother mans judgement is borne and bred with- in him ;.but this comes from above from God : it is a new judgement,yea, a renewed judgement. EpbeJ4. 2 3 e Be yee renewed in. your Spirits and. minds : When thou haft fuch a judgement offin and godlineffe,which thou hadit not before this is a new judgement. Secondly, they differ in regar&of the fübje& this new light is alwaies in.a pure. heart ; the other not : fo long, as the heart is overwhel.. I 3 med 2